
I on the other hand did little to better myself for most of
the day, but instead caught up with my Aunt, and her partner. I went on the
errand run in the morning, which took us to four different hardware stores, two
toy stores, a Michaels, and finally a grocery, all before lunch. That's right,
somebody call Guinness World Records. Our final stop was in a shopping center
called Seven Corners. The name has to do with the seven roads which join just
outside of this location. Whether this is necessary, or some form of civic
engineering jape, it doesn't matter; the plaza is a truly fearsome place, and I
barely made it out without turning into a gibbering mess.
Perhaps I'm guilty of exaggeration, but it was a welcome
rest getting back to my Aunt's house. After we had eaten lunch, Shane and my
Dad began a careful execution of the second half of the top paragraph, and I
stuck around to talk to our hosts. At length, we covered just about all the
subjects involved in a well rounded catch-up session, and pretty soon her
partner said he was going to take a drive to Barnes and Noble to look at a
book. I rarely pass up an opportunity to be surrounded by paper and words, so I
jumped in his Jetta and shouted “Giddyup!” Actually, that last bit didn't
happen, and instead we had a nice drive, talking about diesel engines. Fast
forward, neither of us found anything we were particularly interested in, and
we returned home. Later on in the evening, the two of us started a French
thriller by the name of Cache (hidden), and got very near finishing it.
Suddenly, Shane, my Dad, and my step mom all were in the room! I had completely
forgotten the date of her flight. Not long after, the excitement subsided, and
we all settled down to eat a delicious salmon dinner with broccoli and couscous. .

The trip concluded just after lunch time, so we followed it
with food, and then I became a free agent with an afternoon to spend in Falls Church . Our party
size decreased one more time when my Aunt stayed home to work around the house.
This meant the group now consisted of me, my Dad, and my step mom. We drove my
Aunt's little car out to get dim sum at the Seven Corners Mall. The food was
excellent, and soon we all were groaning happily. The two of them collapsed at
home for a short nap, and I went out to find a coffee shop. I almost made it to
a fun little spot called SpaceBar, but Falls
Church takes Easter very seriously, so it was closed.
Taking refuge in a nearby Panera, I spent my next few hours, but soon I
returned home to have dinner with the gang. I think I'm starting to get some
bearings, because I only got lost once riding back on bike!
The next day I found my way back to Seven Corners (again),
and my Dad went with Shane to do a school visit. My step mom and I were on a
mission to do some suit shopping, and I have to say I think I am going to have
unpleasant dreams about silky things crawling up and down my arms. Somehow I
found an argument for a particular set of pants, shirt, and jacket, so we
bought them and left to get lunch at a little Thai restaurant. To keep us from
plowing into a nap afterwards, we went out for a ride miles along a cute little
bike path. Although it leads all the way to DC, we went only 20 miles round
trip. Without planning, we got home just before the other two had returned with
the bus.
Over dinner I got to hear how the show went without me.
According to Shane, the audience was a slight struggle, and he wound up
exhausting himself by trying to keep up the energy in a vacuum. He might even
go further and write a short description to add to this post after the publication,
so keep your eyes out if you want more details. According to my Dad, the show
went perfectly, so I think they must have performed at different schools.
Anyways, the dishes are done, and everybody is getting ready for bed, so too
must I.
I hope everyone had a pleasant weekend!
Tasty Bits:
The Rufous-Breasted Wren makes a “KettleKettleKettle” noise.
I wrote the wrong name of a wren. Its the Carolina Wren, not
the Rufous-Breasted.
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